Friday, December 23, 2016


Shoe Shine Parties
This week we started having shoe shine parties in our foyer. We have about an hour of personal time from the time we get home from class till we are supposed to sleep. This hour is often the hour packed with the most activities. The shoe shine parties being one of these activities. Its a good time to gather round with the district Elders and talk doctrine, shoot the breeze, or just tell some good jokes. 

Elder Simmons and I were in charge of preparing the sacrament for the branch. We were told not to waste sacrament cups, so we had to count the amount of people in the branch and add a couple extra just in case. We counted and were fairly confident we had gotten more than enough. As the water was being passed around, we realized near the end that we were one cup off. This meant that there had to be another preparation, blessing, and passing for that one cup. Elder Simmons and I were pretty embarrassed but also in disbelief that we could have been so close yet so far.

We are allotted about an hour for our lunches and dinners each day. Elder Simmons and I did some math. We eat in about 30 minutes and talk for 10. We basically have 20 minutes of wasted time. That is, we USED to have 20 minutes of wasted time. We decided to get to the gym and get in a quick workout. We keep it minimal, since we are wearing full missionary attire (shirt and tie). The only thing is, a lot of the other missionaries passing by either mock or scorn us for doing what we do. We are pretty convinced that is a good way to pass 20 minutes, work off some tacos, and get the blood flowing for class, so the verdict is still a go on working out. 

Merry Christmas and remember that is better to give than to receive (even though getting gifts is pretty sweet). I challenge everyone to think about a little gift they can give someone in their life and to give it to them. Also read the stories of Christ and think of the blessing that Christ is to our lives. 

Elder Sweat

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