Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Week 55 - December 18, 2017 - POKEMON AND CHRISTMAS

The other day I got into a good conversation about Pokemon, reminiscing with an 11 yr old kid, haha. The next thing I knew, he went to his room and came back out with a Pokemon wallet that he had bought with his own money. He gave it to me. I was super touched to see such generosity. 

I am excited for the Christmas season that we are in. I love the chance it gives a community to focus on Christ and also on giving to others. 

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Week 54-December 11, 2017-PHOTOS!!!

1. Inside of a typical transportation.
2. Typical stance inside, because I usually don't fit.
3. Yo y Elder Sevilla
4. Yo y Elder Osorio
5. Yo y Elder Osorio
6. One of the missionaries in our district, Elder Byington, teaching English.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 52~November 27, 2017~TORTAS, 52, HUMBLE, CAMARA CARNAL

We got some people from the local congregation to come with us and bring tortas (sandwiches mas o menos) to people at the hospital. We sang a couple of Christmas songs, too. I think everyone felt happier, knowing that they had helped someone else out. 

1 year away from the states. 

How humbled can a person be? Haha, only time will tell. But humility is a great attribute once acquired, but a tough characteristic to develop. 

Camara Carnal
There is some slang phrase that's "Camara Carnalllll" I don't know what it means exactly, but I lost my camera the other month. 21 years old and still losing stuff, it's embarrassing. That's why there are no photos. Consider this my public apology.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week 51~November 22, 2017~SIT DOWN...BE THANKFUL

Be thankful. Say out loud something you are thankful for. Don't complain. Be thankfulllll.

I will start by saying that I am thankful for sandwiches. A good sandwich with some mayo, un tomato, and some ham. 

Also I am thankful for the opportunity to breathe. Life wouldn't be life without breathing. 

Also, I am thankful for family. Family is what makes me happy. When the family is all together, it's always a good time. 

Also, I am thankful for freedom. 

Also, I am thankful for the people that I have met and known in my life. All very good, all helping me along the path. 

I love you guys.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Caña (CANE)
There were selling caña (cane) on the side of the street for 10 pesos. My companion asked me if I had tried it, and I said no, so he bought a bag. I'm pretty sure it's raw cane sugar in plant form. It has the texture of an apple, until all of the sugar and liquid is sucked out, and then its a mouthful of dried grass. It was super good, but then after like the 6th piece, I got a cavity, so I had to stop. 

Conozca Los Mormonas con Agua Gratis (MEET MORMONS FREE WATER)
We all had the super good idea of handing out free Jamaica water (water made with a flower that they call Jamaica) in the street, with little bags of chicharron (fried pig skin). We went to a super busy corner and started passing out cups of water and the chicharron to everyone we saw. It was a good time, although the majority of the people were just staring at us and wondering why we would do such a thing. 

The people here are very generous. If they like you, they take care of you. Even if they don't know you. For example we passed by a tortilla shop and they just gave us a tortilla for free. Also, if we visit someone, they will send their kid to go buy a coke or soda to give us. Little things like that are awesome. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week 49~November 6, 2017~RAUL, RUNNING, LIGHTtheWORLD, & PHOTOS

This week I earned my first Mexican name. We were with a family and they asked me my name. I told them Elder Sweat. They said but what about your real name. I said Elder. Then they bestowed upon me a Mexican name - Raul. Super macho y poderoso (powerful). I felt at least 6 inches shorter and 1000% more macho walking out of that room that night, purely for my new identity.

Trying to run more this week. Its good for the body and brain. I feel like when my brain gets all stuffy, running helps it out a little bit. 

We are excited to help LIGHTtheWORLD this December. It is time to get helping. It is time to get serving more than serving yourself another helping at the dinner table hahaha. But check out the video, get pumped, and share it with todos (everybody)

1. Trying to set up a timed photo, but forgetting to put the timer.
2. Timed photo with Elder Sevilla. 

Week 48~October 30, 2017~ESCUCHEN

Escuchen (Listen)
We met a man that belongs to the International Church of Christ. We set up an appointment to talk more in depth with him. We decided to listen to him without battling every little point that he brought up. We then taught him about what we believe. We both left the appointment edified. Too often we just want to be right more than anything else. But I think that as we listen to others to understand, we begin to become closer and respect each other more. 

Monday, October 23, 2017


Los Arcos
Now we are working in two congregations: Los Arcos and El Molinito. We are excited for the new opportunities here. 

New Companion
Elder Sevilla, coming from Guatemala, is now my companion for the next 6 weeks. He is a champ and speaks perfect Spanish, go figure. We both have something in common: we like to eat Mexican food. 

Favorite Food
We often are asked what our favorite food is here in Mexico. The typical response is a list of 10 different dishes that are all equally delicious. Here there is no 1 favorite type of food. 

One of the coolest things about the mission is that we get to see a lot of coincidences happen. We will meet somebody in the most random way and find that they have been looking for the message that we share. A belief in God makes coincidences a thing of beauty and a sign of divine love. We stop believing that things just happen randomly, and start to believe that there is a being that is watching over us and giving us opportunities to grow, to love, to learn, to experience this life. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Week 46---October 16, 2017---SWEAT COMO SWEATER, CHORIZO, AND PHOTOS

Sweat como Sweater
Everytime I introduce myself, I say "Me llamo (name is) Elder Sweat, como (like) Sweater." And now we have matching sweaters, slash baseball tees as an area. Although the two events are related in theme, I realize that they are not very relevant in relation to one another.

Mexico should be on everyone's list of top 1 places to visit, solamente (only) for the chorizo. 


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week 44---October 2, 2017---FINALLY & ON SERVICE

We got a chance to head out to a pueblo that was more damaged in the earthquakes, and we were able to spend a day there helping transport bricks for the fallen homes in that area. We were all super happy to finally get the opportunity to help in a physical way here in the city. 

On Service
One of the end purposes for what we teach and learn from Jesus Christ is to love those around you. Love without action is not love. We can get caught up in lavish statements, posts, and videos, etc. that preach love, but until we actually do something for someone else, we have not loved anyone. Many of us are comfortable in saying we love others, but have yet to love another person other than ourselves with our actions. We will dedicate large portions of time, building our image, wealth, skills, etc. but rarely dedicate time to help anyone else. It is not easy, but it is a worthwhile pursuit to truly love others. Our world needs love more than anything.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week 43---September 25, 2017---TERREMOTO GOT US TERRIFIED & 30 SECONDS TO THE END

Terremoto Got Us Terrified.
So, Tuesday, was a little crazy.  We got hit with a pretty big earthquake.  We were lucky enough to be the LDS Temple of Mexico City.  The temple is considered, for us, the most sacred place on earth.  So, being in the temple while all this locura (madness) went down was a huge blessing.  When it started to shake, we were all super shocked, but nobody screamed or did much.  It felt like we were in a big boat just rocking around.  Super weird.  But unfortunately the earthquake did a lot of damage here.  We are looking for good ways to help in our areas.

30 Seconds to the End
I have thought a lot about the end we all face here on earth.  At times, we feel invincible as human beings, but then something happens to remind us of our frailty.  For example, an earthquake that comes and goes in less than a minute, could end everything.  Death, to me, is kind of the final exam of life.  We have spent all our time studying, preparing, and then the exam inevitably comes.  When it comes, there is no more prep time, no more "phone a friend" or Google searches.  When it comes, there is only us, who we are.  We must answer for who we are, what we have become.  There is a Savior, Jesus Christ, who wants to school us and prepare us for this exam.  More than that, He wants to help us become the best people we can whilst here.  I have felt this hope and this peace from faith in Him.  I am still in prep time, but I hope to face the exam without fear and with peace.  Haha, veremos (we will see).  


September 25, 2017

Good afternoon,

As I am sure many of you have heard, there were three earthquakes this morning from 6am to 9:30am in Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico.  We would like you all to know that all our missionaries are accounted for and all are safe and sound.  If you have any questions regarding this event or any other matters of the mission, please contact us.

Thank you for your concern and allowing us this time with your wonderful Elders and Hermanas.

Elder Ellsworth
Secretario Ejecutivo
Misión México Ciudad de México Oeste 

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Still alive. No pasa nada aqui (it's all here). Yeah, just wanted to let you know.  We were actually in the temple when it happened.  Super crazy.  Felt like a boat, haha.  Also we were pretty tranquilo (quiet) since we were in the temple.

Elder Sweat

*note from the editior

*We gratefully received the above email from Elder Dante Sweat September 19, 2017 at 7:15 p.m.

*We received this email below from the Mission Office on Tuesday, September 19, 2017.

Good afternoon,

As I am sure many of you know, there was an earthquake this afternoon in Puebla, México. We would like you all to know that all our missionaries are accounted for and all are safe and sound. Your missionary should contact you today to let you know personally that they are okay. If you have any questions regarding this event or any other matters of the mission, please contact us at he mission office.

Thank you for your concern and allowing us this time with your wonderful Elders and Hermanas.

 Elder Ellsworth
Secretario Ejecutivo
Misión México Ciudad de México Oeste

Week 42---September 18, 2017---NOCHE MEXICANA AND PHOTOS

September 18, 2017

Noche Mexicana (Mexican Night) 
The 15th of September is the independence day for Mexico. They celebrate hard. There are traditional foods for this holiday, such as pozole (corn stew), pambasos (Mexican white bread), etc. (all of which are super delicious). They also celebrate with a lot of fireworks. Basically all night sounds like a war zone with all of the celebration. We bought some bigotes (moustaches) to celebrate the occasion, but that was about it. 

1. With our bigotes for the big night.
2. With my bowl of pozole that is super delicious. 

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 41---September 11, 2017---NUEVA AREA, KNOWLEDGE, AND A PHOTO

September 11, 2017

Nueva Área
Today I arrived to a new area here in Mexico City. I am in Molinito (I think that's how it would be classified). My new companion is Elder Laurel, a Bolivian from Brazil who speaks 3 languages, ha. He is a genius. I am super excited to work with him and get to know him. 

This week we talked about gaining knowledge - learning. I thought it was extremely interesting. We think that learning stops after graduation. We cheat ourselves of our potential if we choose to stop learning at a young age. Every day we have the opportunity to learn and to grow. There are infinite resources. Learning will make our existence a rich experience. We are meant to always learn and grow. 

A Photo
1. The view from my apartment window.


September 8, 2017

Hey I got permission to send a quick email to you guys letting you know that I am fine over here in Mexico City. The damage was mostly for the coast, which is pretty far away. To be honest, I did not even feel it. I was sleeping too soundly haha. 

Love you guys,
Elder Sweat

Monday, August 21, 2017


According To Their Own Language
2 Nephi 31:3 "For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding."

The miracle of a God that knows us personally is His ability to connect and communicate with us according to our personal understanding and knowledge. That means that anyone, regardless of education level or language spoken, can connect with and communicate with Deity. I am a fan of education and do not discount the benefits it can bring to a person, but I take comfort in knowing that God not only can communicate with all, but desires to speak to all.

As I speak with people from various backgrounds and ponder in my own experiences, I realize that God works in clarity. An honest seeker of truth will find truth. A penitent seeker of God will find Him. Many stay confined in darkness or confusion, because they so desire.


Monday, August 14, 2017

Week 37---August 14, 2017---SHANKS A LOT, DUENOS, CAOS

Shanks a lot
We were leaving a park talking to one of our friends (at about sundown). Our friend says, "Don't worry. If anyone tries to mess with us, I got my shank." Never felt so protected in my life. 

We went to check on a house that missionaries had left vacant. I had to go pay the rent and make sure the dueño (owner) was ok. We headed over there, with the intent of just making a cash drop-off, but she ended up inviting us in and giving some doughnuts and some canned peaches. I was pretty pumped about that business deal. 

My favorite word right now. Caos, (pronounced: cows): means chaos or mess. Aka traffic here in the city

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


We have spent a good while at the airport here in Mexico City this week. We went 5 times. I kind of like the airport but mostly kind of don't. Sometimes our President of the mission, President Grossen, gets us a milkshake from Carl's Jr. to take an edge off of the airport trip. He is a great man and Carl's Jr. makes great shakes. 

Last Tuesday, we visited the Castillo here in the city. There was a lot of history behind it, but when it comes to history that involves people that wore white powdered wigs I don't pay too much attention. I can't explain why, but my attention is just not grabbed. The view was my favorite part. 

Sleeper Cell
Some other missionaries moved their old things into our house this past week. I was cool with it, until I found out their old fridge was a Cucaracha sleeper cell. We came home one night and saw cockroaches scurrying all over. We opened the old fridge and found out that there was a cockroach family reunion going on that night. I couldn't sleep about it, so I had to get my shoe out about it and stomp some cockroaches about it.

A lot of meetings transpired over the past week. I love meetings. Usually there is some good discussion that happens, but more importantly there is some good snackage that accompanies the discussion. AKA I just stay quiet, nod my head, add a couple of well-timed sarcastic comments, and focus the majority of my efforts on the snacks.  

1-3. Views of the city from the Castillo
4. Flattering picture of me viewing those views

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Week 35---July 24, 2017---MOVING CASAS & CHOCOLATE CREAM PIE

Moving Casas
On Saturday we closed down a house. We close down old houses that are no longer inhabited by missionaries. The house we went to was in a place called Los Arcos. Los Arcos looks as steep as San Francisco but with roads a little less developed. We drove through in a convi ( I think he meant combi, which is a minibus) type car. The hills were so steep that we could not make it up on the first try for a lot of these hills. I was a little fearful for my life, but we made it.

Chocolate Cream Pie
It has been a good while since I have dedicated an entire section to food. On Wednesday we ate with a couple from Arizona. The wife made us the most delicious chocolate cream pie I have ever tasted. It had a chocolate cream base with a darker chocolate covering that was melted into the top. A home-made whip cream topping was graced with some pecans, chocolate chips, and shredded coconut. Super good.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


We took part in a service project for the city of Naucalpan. The project was designed to plant trees in a nature reserve of the city. Trees were planted, hands were blistered, and hearts were warmed. 

We also got to go to a boda or wedding. A member of our congregation invited us to her wedding and so we graciously accepted. The boda was pretty sweet. Lots of Mexican food and lots of Mexican sweets. Needless to say, I enjoyed myself and was happy to see a happy couple anxious for their future together.

The Man Who Loved With His Car
We were walking along bridge during a rain storm, and we were doing our best not to get soaked by the cars hitting the huge puddles. Out of nowhere, this car pulls up real slow like alongside us. We had no idea what was going to happen, but we just smiled and kept walking. This guy ended up following us for the length of the bridge so that no other car could drive right by us fastly, splashing us with the puddles. It was not just rain that ran down my cheeks that night. What a guy.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 33---July 10, 2017---SITIO WEB, ZOCALO, GLASSES, PHOTOS

Sitio Web
This week we decided to revamp our website for the mission. It was just super feo (ugly), and so it had to go. We spent some time and worked up a new one. Hopefully the missionaries love it and Google scouts me out here pretty soon to rework their search home page.

We went to Zocalo and saw the huge cathedral in the center of the city. I know, I'm awful. I did not even pay attention enough to get the real name of the cathedral. My companion just said Metropolitano. Quien sabe (Metropolitan.  Who knows?)?  But it was pretty cool. 

Bought some glasses to add more authority to everything I say. "The numbers just don't add up." with glasses is a serious statement. "The numbers just don't add up." without glasses just makes the people you are talking to want to recheck the numbers. The things people do to get some respect around here. 

1. Calculating the future.

2. Selfie with a cartoonist that drew us a picture.

3. Elder Osorio inspiring Elder Ellsworth to look to the bright horizon.

4. Selfie on top of the cathedral.

5. Selfie in front of the President's house.

Thursday, July 6, 2017


Rain rain go away
On Wednesday, it rained harder than I cried when I found out I was going to miss the opening night of the "Lego Batman Movie."   We were coming back from a meeting with a lot missionaries, and literally the streets were turned into rivers.  Some streets were too sunk to even drive on.  Also the metro was submerged in some parts of the city. It rains crazy here.  Under our taxi we could hear the water constantly splashing against the bottom. 

We had an activity with all of the other missionaries that live close by.  It was a fun time to be all together and enjoy ourselves for a bit.  We learned how to make flour tortillas, make mud masks, and also took some fun photos.  We finished with a good meal of a torta. 

The complexity of human interaction boggles my mind.  We seem to work on so many assumptions when interacting with each other.  Only in times of honest, frank discussion do we even begin to see the tip of the iceberg.  If we could learn to love a little easier and communicate better I think that we would come to a much greater understanding of each other. 

1. Elder Ellsworth and me posing up for the companionship photo.

2. Possibly the most dangerous way to trim a tree I have ever seen. Both have saws shoved in the back of their pants.

3. Me when people ask me for more money.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Week 30-31---June 26, 2017---INTERNET, FUEGO POEM, MICKEY D'SSS

We have lived the past week (mas o menos) without internet. Today we got it back. Beautiful day.

Fuego Poem

The Man In The Glass 

Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.  

When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.

For it isn’t your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.

He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest
For he’s with you, clear to the end
And you’ve passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.

You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass. 

We found a McDonald's while out and about and I had to go. It was my first McDonalds here, and it was delicious. Such a dream.

1.Elder Ellsworth and I in a posed picture to have at least one commemorative photo of our companionship.

Monday, June 12, 2017


This week was blessed with food in abundance. We ate tacos al pastor by the kilo with a family. We also ate a brownie cake. That was a revolutionary creation. Also a family gave us food from their house because they are moving. Elder Ellsworth and I were super pumped about that.

The truth will set us free. The quest to find and understand truth will set us free individually and collectively. The most important truths won't be taught in school. It is up to us to search out truth and to live it.

1. Enjoying the new couch

2. Enjoying the new couch pt 2

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Today we went to the Anthropology Museum with two other missionaries and a lady that they knew. The museum was a great experience. I learned a ton about all of the different civilizations that founded much of Mexico. I especially love the architecture and art of the Aztecs and some of the other earlier civilizations. 

I helped Elder Ellsworth whip up some seriously American BBQ. Hot dogs and hamburgers. To be honest, I just gave him the pan to stack the finished patties. So I didn't do much.

1. Wartortle that mysteriously showed up, but watches over us in his natural habitat.

2. The guy sitting on the pole played a flute and drum at the same time; his four friends descended gradually down the pole upside down whilst being tied with one regular rope swinging around this pole with their arms spread out. I had and have no idea.

3. Sun stone. 

4. BBQin' hard (in trash bag aprons).

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Week 27---May 29, 2017---ELDER ELLSWORTH AND ME

Elder Ellsworth and Me
My companion Elder Ellsworth is a champion. He always shares his food with me. Also he is an easy going guy. We get along well, and since he sometimes even makes my bed I had to give him a personal shoutout. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


One of the biggest things that I have realized more and more is that when you surrender freedom, the more and more you lose happiness. One example is people that are slaves to a substance. As a youth, drinking alcohol was cool or a good experience, but 30 years later, they are on the street with nothing. The alcohol is their master. The alcohol dictates their decisions, their thoughts, their priorities. 

Happiness is dictating your own decision, thoughts, and priorities. 

Commandments are nothing more than rules to life that are designed to maintain your freedom. But don't take my word and try it out. Pick and a commandment that is found in the scriptures and ponder the implications of a life-long commitment to live it. Live it and be free. The truth sets us free. Free to live, free to experience life, free to love. Let freedom ring.  

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


May 16, 2017

I got to speak with my family on Sunday. Twas a great experience. Being away from family, I'm constantly reminded that family is everything. I love them, they love me (hopefully) and it's awesome.

My companion let me use his camera to put my memory card in, so I wanted to send all these pictures. They are in no particular order.

1. Saving power by ironing my shirts with my latest mixtape.

2. Me in front of a sign.

3. A part of the city behind me.

4. Strawberry Atole. Super good drink that I'm still not sure what are the ingredients. 

5. Senior Photo.

6. Valle de Bravo days, sitting on the mountain with a view of the area behind me.