Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 52~November 27, 2017~TORTAS, 52, HUMBLE, CAMARA CARNAL

We got some people from the local congregation to come with us and bring tortas (sandwiches mas o menos) to people at the hospital. We sang a couple of Christmas songs, too. I think everyone felt happier, knowing that they had helped someone else out. 

1 year away from the states. 

How humbled can a person be? Haha, only time will tell. But humility is a great attribute once acquired, but a tough characteristic to develop. 

Camara Carnal
There is some slang phrase that's "Camara Carnalllll" I don't know what it means exactly, but I lost my camera the other month. 21 years old and still losing stuff, it's embarrassing. That's why there are no photos. Consider this my public apology.

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