Tuesday, January 24, 2017


This week I ate some delicious comida (food):
1. Enmolidas - Enchiladas, but instead of being smothered in chili sauce, it is smothered in mole sauce. It was delicious
2. Calo do Cerdo - A soup made with chilis and pork. It was delicious as well.
3. Arroz con huevos - Mexican rice with fried eggs on top. I had this a couple of times. It is simple but delicious.
4. Tacos el Dorado - Deep fried tacos, so of course they made the list.
5. Agua de Guyabas - Water + Guavas + Sugar, I am thinking of renaming it "Agua to Dry My Tears of Hurt," because it is so divine. 

We have met some people here that speak English. One guy is from Chicago. He owns a burger shop here, and is Christian as well. We spoke some Bible, a little of bit of Chi Town rap, and a whole lot of English haha. 

The family from England is great. We continue to chat over biscuits in the night time. I hope to develop a British accent by the time I return. 

Lecciones (Lessons)
One of the main purposes for us here is to teach lessons about our doctrine. This week have had the opportunity to teach some people interested in the message. I still cannot understand everything they say, but I have to listen extra hard to understand anything. So I end up staring intently at them, which leads them to turning towards me and speaking even more rapidly and excitedly, all the while, I begin to nod my head so they don't get offended, but honestly, I miss most of what they say. I just always pray they don't ask a question directly to me, because then I would have to say, "So I actually couldn't understand what you just took 5 minutes to explain to me in great detail and emotion..."  But luckily my companion understands and answers. 

Scorpion on my wall
Twice now we've had a scorpion just hanging out in our casa. The first time was super cool and I thought we could be friends and so I put him gently outside on the calle and wished him well on his way. The second time, I threw him out on the sidewalk and had to stomp him.

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