Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Week 52~November 27, 2017~TORTAS, 52, HUMBLE, CAMARA CARNAL

We got some people from the local congregation to come with us and bring tortas (sandwiches mas o menos) to people at the hospital. We sang a couple of Christmas songs, too. I think everyone felt happier, knowing that they had helped someone else out. 

1 year away from the states. 

How humbled can a person be? Haha, only time will tell. But humility is a great attribute once acquired, but a tough characteristic to develop. 

Camara Carnal
There is some slang phrase that's "Camara Carnalllll" I don't know what it means exactly, but I lost my camera the other month. 21 years old and still losing stuff, it's embarrassing. That's why there are no photos. Consider this my public apology.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week 51~November 22, 2017~SIT DOWN...BE THANKFUL

Be thankful. Say out loud something you are thankful for. Don't complain. Be thankfulllll.

I will start by saying that I am thankful for sandwiches. A good sandwich with some mayo, un tomato, and some ham. 

Also I am thankful for the opportunity to breathe. Life wouldn't be life without breathing. 

Also, I am thankful for family. Family is what makes me happy. When the family is all together, it's always a good time. 

Also, I am thankful for freedom. 

Also, I am thankful for the people that I have met and known in my life. All very good, all helping me along the path. 

I love you guys.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Caña (CANE)
There were selling caña (cane) on the side of the street for 10 pesos. My companion asked me if I had tried it, and I said no, so he bought a bag. I'm pretty sure it's raw cane sugar in plant form. It has the texture of an apple, until all of the sugar and liquid is sucked out, and then its a mouthful of dried grass. It was super good, but then after like the 6th piece, I got a cavity, so I had to stop. 

Conozca Los Mormonas con Agua Gratis (MEET MORMONS FREE WATER)
We all had the super good idea of handing out free Jamaica water (water made with a flower that they call Jamaica) in the street, with little bags of chicharron (fried pig skin). We went to a super busy corner and started passing out cups of water and the chicharron to everyone we saw. It was a good time, although the majority of the people were just staring at us and wondering why we would do such a thing. 

The people here are very generous. If they like you, they take care of you. Even if they don't know you. For example we passed by a tortilla shop and they just gave us a tortilla for free. Also, if we visit someone, they will send their kid to go buy a coke or soda to give us. Little things like that are awesome. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Week 49~November 6, 2017~RAUL, RUNNING, LIGHTtheWORLD, & PHOTOS

This week I earned my first Mexican name. We were with a family and they asked me my name. I told them Elder Sweat. They said but what about your real name. I said Elder. Then they bestowed upon me a Mexican name - Raul. Super macho y poderoso (powerful). I felt at least 6 inches shorter and 1000% more macho walking out of that room that night, purely for my new identity.

Trying to run more this week. Its good for the body and brain. I feel like when my brain gets all stuffy, running helps it out a little bit. 

We are excited to help LIGHTtheWORLD this December. It is time to get helping. It is time to get serving more than serving yourself another helping at the dinner table hahaha. But check out the video, get pumped, and share it with todos (everybody)

1. Trying to set up a timed photo, but forgetting to put the timer.
2. Timed photo with Elder Sevilla. 

Week 48~October 30, 2017~ESCUCHEN

Escuchen (Listen)
We met a man that belongs to the International Church of Christ. We set up an appointment to talk more in depth with him. We decided to listen to him without battling every little point that he brought up. We then taught him about what we believe. We both left the appointment edified. Too often we just want to be right more than anything else. But I think that as we listen to others to understand, we begin to become closer and respect each other more.