Thursday, July 6, 2017


Rain rain go away
On Wednesday, it rained harder than I cried when I found out I was going to miss the opening night of the "Lego Batman Movie."   We were coming back from a meeting with a lot missionaries, and literally the streets were turned into rivers.  Some streets were too sunk to even drive on.  Also the metro was submerged in some parts of the city. It rains crazy here.  Under our taxi we could hear the water constantly splashing against the bottom. 

We had an activity with all of the other missionaries that live close by.  It was a fun time to be all together and enjoy ourselves for a bit.  We learned how to make flour tortillas, make mud masks, and also took some fun photos.  We finished with a good meal of a torta. 

The complexity of human interaction boggles my mind.  We seem to work on so many assumptions when interacting with each other.  Only in times of honest, frank discussion do we even begin to see the tip of the iceberg.  If we could learn to love a little easier and communicate better I think that we would come to a much greater understanding of each other. 

1. Elder Ellsworth and me posing up for the companionship photo.

2. Possibly the most dangerous way to trim a tree I have ever seen. Both have saws shoved in the back of their pants.

3. Me when people ask me for more money.

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