Wednesday, January 18, 2017


A food section might become a necessary item every week. This week I tried tortas. Dang. They are delicious. It's basically a sandwich with a lot of mayo, but the meat we got was fried, breaded chicken called milenesa. 

Secondly, I ate pisoli this week. It's a very common meal here. It's basically a soup with corn as the base, but also some type of meat mixed in with it. The family that made it for us, made sure to make it non-spicy. It was greatly appreciated, because my mouth was still on fire from the "non-picoso (spicy)" version. 

Thirdly, a member bought each of us a hamburger one day. That tasted like some classic American Freedom. 

Also they sell cuties or mandarins for super cheap. I bought a dozen for a dollar. And they were delicious.

We were walking around, looking for people to talk to, and found a taxi driver name Gil taking a quick break by the road. We talked with him for a while and I shared with him a scripture from the Book of Mormon. We felt the Spirit testify of the truth, and I think he did too. Before we left, he told us he wanted to buy us drinks. He went to the nearest tienda and bought us both a soda. It was one of the happiest times this week. What a great guy. 

Soccer en la Calle
While walking around (that's what we do), we found some kids playing soccer in the street. One of the kids stopped us and started speaking perfect English in a British accent. It was super random haha, but we ended up kicking the ball around and making friends with them. The kid that spoke English told his parents about us, and later in the week they invited us over. The parents are from England, and when they invited us in they offered us tea and cookies. We declined the tea, but chowed on the cookies. 

Today we hiked a mountain in Valle called the Pena. It was a great view of the area. 

Doctrine, Principles, and Applications
My companion showed me talk this week by Elder Bednar, that spoke about doctrine, principles, and applications. It is very interesting. The gist of it is that everything operates because of underlying truths, or doctrines. The principles give guidelines for what to do because of the doctrine, and the applications are the specific plans we make. Usually, we spend too much time in evaluating and changing the applications. The best investment of time is spent in understanding the underlying truths. Doctrine is the answer every time.

Love you all,
Elder Sweat

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