Thursday, April 20, 2017


​​April 20, 2017

Ciudad de Mexico

This week has been a little bit more rainy than usual. And it also only happens to start raining when we get outside. We tell people that you can tell when we are out and about because it starts to rain.

At the bottom of one the hills, there is a bridge that leads to one of the pueblos. This bridge has a lot of traffic and has really narrow sidewalks. So when it rains, all the water drains to this bridge, and there is only one small drain to drain it. 

One rainy day we had to walk across. The water was up to the curb of the sidewalk. The first half of the bridge we were feeling good because no cars had come across yet. We then realized that if we made it across before a car came, we would not get soaked. As soon as we both thought this, we just started sprinting across this bridge. A lady across the street realized the same thing at the same time and started sprinting too. We were all sprinting for our lives and then we saw some headlights flash in the distance. This only made us run harder. Alas, the car beat us. It drove straight through this water as fast as possible and completely soaked us and this lady across the street. I was a little upset about the disrespect. However, like five minutes later, I thought it was the most hilarious thing.

We have a found a little taco stand that sells cochinita tacos and now we are sold. We love it. It is a type of meat made in the Yucutan. 

We found a piano that can record, so now I am a happy guy. We spent a lot of our rest day playing and recording.

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